Local Options for Reporting Misconduct/Guidance

If you have concerns about misconduct, you should first speak with your supervisor or unit manager. They will be in the best position to resolve issues at a local level. If you are not comfortable with discussing your concerns at the local level or your supervisor is part of the concern, MSU provides other methods for reporting misconduct. You can call the Misconduct Hotline, managed by a third party service provider, at (800) 763-0764, or you can submit a report online. No matter how you decide to make a report, you can always choose to remain anonymous when you do so.

If you suspect misconduct or a violation of University policy has occurred, you can also contact one of the offices listed below to make your concern known to MSU. The University prohibits retaliation against individuals who make reports in good faith of known or suspected misconduct.

A printable copy of the misconduct hotline poster can be found here.


Office of Compliance Services – (517) 432-5510

Conflicts of Interest

Discrimination/Harassment and Relationship Violence, Sexual Misconduct, and Stalking

Investigation, Support and Resolution Department – (517) 353-3922, email ocr.isr@msu.edu

File a report online


Human Resources – (517) 353-4434

Faculty/academic staff issues: Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs – (517) 353-5300

Fiscal Misconduct

Office of the Controller – (517) 355-5020


Student conduct issues: Office of Student Support and Accountability – (517) 884-0789, email conduct@msu.edu

Medical and HIPAA

MSU Health Care – (517) 353-3000


Office of the President – (517) 355-6560

Office of the Provost – (517) 355-6550

Office of Executive Vice President for Administrative Services – (517) 355-5014





Environmental Health & Safety – (517) 355-0153

Infrastructure Planning and Facilities – (517) 432-0211

Student Issues

If you have concerns involving a student, you may contact the Office of the University Ombudsperson to confidentially discuss your reporting options. The University Ombudsperson is a confidential, informal, neutral, and independent resource for faculty, staff, and students to discuss all student-related concerns. Office of the Ombudsperson – (517) 353-8830

Youth Programs

Michigan State University has established policies to promote the safety of youth participating in our programs. For concerns regarding compliance with the Operational Requirements for Conducting University Youth Programs, please contact the office of the MSU Director for Youth Programs: Registration, Safety Assurance, and Education either by phone at (517) 353-6994 or by E-mail at protect@msu.edu.